Garden wildlife (179 images)
Common Blue Damselfly
Bee on Geranium phaeum 'Mourning Widow'
Syrphid flies on rose campion
Bee on broad bean flowers
Bee on broad bean flowers
White dead-nettle
Asparagus beetles
Asparagus beetles
Asparagus beetles
Yellow-tail moth caterpillar
Yellow-tail moth caterpillar
Yellow-tail moth caterpillar
Winter moth caterpillar
Winter moth caterpillar
Eggs of large cabbage white butterfly
Insect hotel
Ladybird and black bean aphids
Pea and bean weevil
Pea and bean weevil
Pea and bean weevil
Silybum marianum 'Milk Thistle'
Bee on Scabiosa songorica
Bee on Scabiosa songorica
Garden chafer beetle
Azure damselfly
Azure damselfly
Small skipper on lavender
Small copper butterfly
Gatekeeper butterfly
Gatekeeper butterfly
Bee on lavender
Bee on lavender
Bee on lavender
Bee on lavender
Small tortoiseshell butterfly
Small tortoiseshell butterfly
Forest bug (Pentatoma rufipes)
Forest bug (Pentatoma rufipes)
Green Shield Bug
Bee on delphinium flower
Dahlia 'Abacus Sol'
Dahlia 'Honka'
Speckled Wood butterfly
Speckled Wood butterfly
Comma butterfly
Comma butterfly
Comma butterfly
Comma butterfly
Adela rufimitrella
Red squirrel
Red fox
Red fox
Short-eared owl
Cardinal beetle
Scottish wildcat
Marsh frog (Rana ridibunda)
Marsh frog (Rana ridibunda)
Broad-bodied chaser female
Broad-bodied chaser male
Palomena prasina
Knot grass moth caterpillar
Grey Dagger moth caterpillar
Orange tip butterfly
Orange tip butterfly
Bee on cherry blossom
Bee on cherry blossom
Bee on cherry blossom
Bee on cherry blossom
Bee on blueberry blossom
Bee on blueberry blossom
Orange-tip butterfly
Orange-tip butterfly
Orange-tip butterfly
Winter moth caterpillar on gage
Harlequin ladybird
Speckled wood butterfly
Gooseberry sawfly caterpillar
Moth pupa
“Future Nature” Garden, Chelsea 2009
“Future Nature” Garden, Chelsea 2009
“Future Nature” Garden, Chelsea 2009
“Future Nature” Garden, Chelsea 2009
Painted lady butterfly
Painted lady butterfly
Camellia x williamsii 'Elizabeth Rothschild'
Chafer grub
Chafer grub
Buff-tailed bumblebee
Water vole
Water vole
Water vole
Eagle owl
Red fox
Red fox
Tawny owl
Red squirrel
Red squirrel
Red squirrel
Common European adders
Common European adders
Heath fritillary
Small white butterfly
Small white butterfly
Small tortoiseshell
Large white butterfly caterpillar
Large white butterfly caterpillar
Large white butterfly chrysalis
Large white butterfly caterpillar
Large white butterfly caterpillars
Large white butterfly caterpillars
Large white butterfly caterpillar
Meadow Brown butterfly
Tipula paludosa
Red Admiral butterfly
Birch Sawfly larva (Cimbex femoratus)
Longhorn beetle (Strangalia maculata)
Longhorn beetle (Strangalia maculata)
Large red damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula)
Large red damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula)
Meadow brown butterfly
Speckled Wood butterfly
Cinnabar moth caterpillar (Tyria jacobaeae)
Cinnabar moth caterpillar (Tyria jacobaeae)
Small skipper butterfly
Lupinus 'Gallery Red'
Comma butterfly
Speckled bush cricket
Mullein moth caterpillar (Shargacucullia verbasci)
Mullein moth caterpillar (Shargacucullia verbasci)
Mullein moth caterpillar (Shargacucullia verbasci)
Oedemera nobilis
Gatekeeper butterfly
Bee on Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'
Bee on Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'
Bee on Dahlia 'Summertime'
Red admiral
Small tortoiseshell
Small tortoiseshell
Meadow brown
Mullein moth caterpillar
Mullein moth caterpillar
Mullein moth caterpillar
Bloody-nosed beetle
Bee on Welsh onion
Bee on Welsh onion
Ruddy Darter dragonfly
Painted Lady butterfly
Grey squirrel
Acronicta rumicis
Lily beetle
Rose chafer
Rose chafer
Fallow deer
Fallow deer
Gunnera manicata
Peacock butterfly
Bug hotel
Comma butterfly
Yellow-bellied Slider Terrapins
Yellow-bellied Slider Terrapins
Box-tree moth
Box-tree moth
Box-tree moth
Migrant Hawker
Small white butterfly
Bee on globe artichoke
Stag beetle
Stag beetle